Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pick-up at the Pier

Pick-up at the Pier
23" x 29"

I came upon this classic truck parked in an environment its designers and engineers surely envisioned it for: carefully maneuvered onto a sliver of wet deck on Provincetown's MacMillan Pier. The truck was an old model, quite beaten up, and yet somehow in perfect alignment with the Provincetown of today, where the past is always present and the ghosts are felt daily.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Salmagundi Member's Annual Exhibition + Awards Ceremony

I was elected to membership of New York City's historic Salmagundi Art Club in 2011.  Since then I've had the opportunity to show my work in many of their juried and non-juried exhibitions including the Members' Annual show this November. The closing reception was held on November 30th, and on that night I received the Elizabeth K. Ellis Artist Fellowship award for my Mason Jar Dahlias watercolor.  It was a fun time, and I was honored to be given the award amongst all of the high level works on display that night.